Brand Identity

Nowadays, brands need to be different to find their place in the market. The relationship between products, services and consumers has undergone significant changes in recent times, making it is essential to adapt and renew the brand constantly. It all comes down to a fundamental point: to be someone. For this reason, the design of brand identity is essential to establish, organize and give coherence to your values, so that the brand does not go unnoticed. Define your values and transmit them, so that consumers recognize and remember you.


Brand Elements

The design of your brand’s elements is based on obtaining the maximum visual simplification of its values. Aspects such as the image, the typeface and the colour will give form to the values of the brand identity, positioning it as memorable, different, expressive, timeless and easily recognizable. At Menage Design, we are aware of the complexity of this task. Thus, we ensure every detail represents the brand’s foundations and everything that goes into creating the brand is there for a reason.


Brand Communication

A brand is not fully defined until it makes its voice heard. The creation of an exclusive language, based on relevant messages for consumers and unique to the brand, strengthens its visual space and provides it with a distinctive identity. The definition of style and speech enable a dialogue with consumers, thereby establishing the desired connection.


Brand Guidelines

The definition of brand guidelines is the final step in repositioning, or positioning for the first time, the brand in the market. The ideal expression of a brand is built on a two-way relationship with consumers, in which common interests and goals are determined. Internet is a liquid medium that enables your content to reach every corner of the web in an easily accessible and upgradeable form. Its immediacy and the lack of barriers make it possible to create a direct communication between consumer and brand. At Menage Design, we work towards crafting brands that are heard and understood by consumers.


How we work

The entire branding process is carried out based on studies of context, both internal and external, seeking a better understanding of the brand’s possibilities within the market. Developing the brand is in accordance with its environment, facilitating the elaboration of a viable, strategic plan that both parties, client and studio, will be happy with.


The size

The paradigm shift in brand design is, without doubt, the result of the standardization of new technologies as communication channels and platforms for social interaction. These channels allow greater flexibility when working. Changes and updates no longer require much time, with technology enabling a compact team to manage a brand’s identity and communication efficiently.


QPR (Quality-Price Ratio)

High quality and elevated prices are not synonymous. At Menage Design we adapt to our customer’s needs - with a comprehensive list of products and services - always prioritizing quality at a reasonable price. We achieve this thanks to optimal budget control, adapting each project to the best method of action.



Menage Design works in close collaboration with its clients. We treat each project as if it were our own. Based on a process of continual dialogue, we strive to achieve common goals through our expertise and hard work.